


高飞X是路易斯安那州澳门新葡京博彩大学的旗舰大学预科课程. Dr. J.W. Carmichael established the SOAR (Stress On Analytical Reasoning) program nearly 50 years ago, in 1977, with the goal of preparing high school students for the rigorous mathematical and scientific scholarship that would be expected of them as undergraduates. SOAR的姊妹项目, SuperScholar EXCEL, 迎合对艺术有兴趣的学生, 人文学科, 以及社会科学. In 2021, 这两个项目结合在一起创建了高飞X, which continues the legacies of its predecessors by offering two academic tracks: 高飞X STEM, 哪个重点关注流行病和公共卫生差距, 和高飞X人文学科, 它关注的是抗议和公民不服从的力量. 在每条轨道上, 学生将被要求参与复杂思想的高级文本, 与合作伙伴和小组一起阐明这些想法,

and present their findings to the class in the form of papers, projects, and discussions. Each course offered in 高飞X is fundamentally student-driven—instructors work hard to ensure that students are invested in their learning by empowering them to select topics for research and discussion that they find compelling.


虽然奖学金是高飞X体验的核心, 这个项目的意义远不止学术. We recognize that the transition from high school to college levels far more challenges than thicker textbooks and harder tests—many college freshmen struggle to navigate life away from home and to make meaningful relationships, 同时还要完成学业. 出于这个原因, 高飞X places a great deal of emphasis on opportunities for participants to develop socially and emotionally. 高飞X的住宿参与者在XULA的校园里与一名室友住四周. 他们在学校食堂吃饭, 在宿舍洗衣房洗衣服, 在校园健身中心锻炼. 结果是, residential participants are able to adapt to the demands (and perks) of being away from home before leaving for college. They are guided through this simulation of the college experience by an incredible team of mentors—current students and recent graduates of XULA who have devoted their summers to inspiring a new generation of scholars. 这些导师非常熟悉大学所面临的挑战, and the combination of their lived experience and their specialized training equips them to assist participants with any challenge they might face during the program.


2024年,高飞X将以较低的成本为学生提供通勤选择. 高飞X commuter participants will experience all of the academic and daytime cocurricular activities that residential students experience—they will take the same classes, 向同样的老师和导师学习, 并且能够与同龄人建立联系,这种联系可以延续到他们的大学时代. Commuter students will be on campus on weekdays from 9am until roughly 5:30pm (or later if they wish to eat dinner at the cafeteria). 这种缩短的通勤时间表是为了灵活设计的, allowing local students to attend 高飞X while still having time for other ongoing pursuits such as a summer job or off-season athletics training.


高飞X also places emphasis on building cultural connections between participants and the surrounding area. 路易斯安那州的澳门新葡京博彩大学并不位于“大学城”,在校外几乎没有什么重要的事情发生. 而不是, 我们很幸运能在新奥尔良学习和生活, 这座城市的历史, 多样性, and legendary cuisine make it one of the culturally richest places in the United States. 高飞X participants take full advantage of this cultural wealth by exploring the city on regular off-campus excursions. 刚刚过去的这个夏天, 高飞X participants experienced incredible displays of art and culture at destinations such as the New Orleans Museum of Art and at Essence Fest, and learned about Creole cuisine and the civil rights movement over dinner at Dooky Chase, 一个传奇, Black-owned restaurant that’s served thought leaders and heads of state from MLK to Barack Obama. We’re thrilled to be able to enrich our participants’ experiences by offering these (and other) excursions over the course of the program.

我们有信心,高飞X是绝对积极的, 未来大学生的形成经验. Nearly 90% of 高飞X graduates go on to enroll in college as degree-seeking undergraduates (data from 2011-2021 programs), 超过四分之一的高飞X毕业生就读于澳门新葡京博彩大学. We attribute this retention to the incredible community that participants build here over the course of the 高飞X program. 也就是说, 高飞X will prepare students to succeed in college—both inside of the classroom and out—no matter where they enroll.


申请的最后期限 日期 类型 成本







2000美元是一笔相当可观的钱, 即使是对一个初出茅庐的学者来说,重要的教育经历也是如此. 在考虑高飞X的成本时,有两件事需要记住:

  • Your $2000 covers the entire cost of your child’s attendance (save travel to and from), and
  • 您的孩子可能有资格参加高飞X 不计代价!


  • 25晚的住宿和饮食在XULA校园的宿舍
  • 每周在XULA的自助餐厅吃19顿饭,偶尔还会在外面吃饭
  • 由经验丰富的教师讲授的完整课程
  • 访问XULA的图书馆,健身中心和其他校园设施.
  • 无数的短途旅行到令人兴奋的目的地周围新奥尔良.


此外,您的孩子可能有资格获得参加高飞X的奖学金. 感谢我们合作伙伴的慷慨, 基列基金会, 以及他们通过创造可能基金提供的财政支持, 我们可以录取符合条件的学生 免费. 考虑以下问题:

  • 你和你的孩子住在大新奥尔良地区吗?
  • 你的家庭收入有限吗?
  • 如果你的孩子上大学,他们会是第一代大学生吗? (换句话说,他们的父母都没有上过大学?)

如果你对这三个问题的回答都是肯定的, 你的孩子很有可能有资格获得吉利德奖. 您可以通过填写高飞X计划申请开始申请经济援助!


You can apply to the 高飞X program online by finding the ‘马上申请’ link on the left side of this page. (Do not click the green ‘应用’ button on the top right—that will take you to the page for applying to Xavier as an undergraduate!)


  • 高中成绩单复印件一份.
  • 以前参加过的PSAT, SAT或ACT考试的成绩报告,如果有的话.
  • 回答5个书面问题,每个问题不超过300字. 问题提示将包含在应用程序中
  • 建议形式 由熟悉你工作的老师或辅导员完成. (You don’t need to upload this—instead, please have your reference email the form directly to us at


当您完成程序应用程序时, 请记住以下重要的日期和截止日期:

日期 高飞X截止日期



优先申请截止日期. 在此日期之后收到的申请将被列入等候名单.






500美元不可退还押金. *









最后一期课程学费到期. *


所有申请材料必须以电子方式提交. 建议只能通过电子邮件提交至 在主题行中注明参与者的姓名.


不,你不需要为我们的旅行或吃饭带钱. 也就是说, you may wish to have pocket money for things like souvenirs and study snacks. 我们建议学生在逗留期间带50-100美元的零花钱.

No. 住宅 students are not permitted to leave campus except on scheduled group excursions. 住宅 students who need essential items such as toiletries may have them delivered to campus or may ask a member of the staff to pick them up on the student’s behalf. Any residential student who leaves campus without the explicit permission of a full-time adult employee of XULA’s Office of 预科项目 will be summarily dismissed from 高飞X.

A packing list will be included in the acceptance packet you’ll receive with admission to the 高飞X program.

No. 高飞X课程的目的是促进大学准备,而不是授予大学学分.

是的. 每位高飞X参与者都必须参加预备课程.

是的. 2023年,健身中心周一至周五从上午9点开放至下午5点.

你需要经济援助吗? 点击下面的!


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